Are you ready to Launch?
Welcome to Launch! Over the next four weeks, you will build leadership skills, grow your confidence, and develop the support network needed to effectively develop yourself, lead your team, and produce results.
To maximize your experience, please commit yourself to:
- Participating in all aspects of the program.
- Sharing your thoughts, ideas, and takeaways.
- Challenging yourself and encouraging others to shift your mindset from individual success to successfully building and leading a team.
What to Expect
Over the course of the program, you will receive a series of communications with information.
During the week prior to the cohort kick off, you’ll receive:
- A “Welcome to CCL Boost” email, from CCL Support: which is our learning platform with a link to set up your account.
- Another “Welcome to CCL Boost” email, from CCL Support: with your platform access.
Program Details
Launch is a blended learning skill development opportunity that features six e-learning modules. Each module focuses upon one topic. These topics are reinforced with Power Hour virtual calls hosted through Zoom. Each of the Power Hour calls is designed to debrief lessons learned in the e-learning topics, or “Flips,” and turn them into actionable practices at work.
Power Hour Virtual Zoom Events
Join us for our weekly Power Hour sessions to cement your learning, discuss takeaways and expand your professional network! Listed below is the schedule for the Power Hour sessions. We understand that calendars tend to fill up quickly, and planning ahead is vital. Please take a moment to click on the link provided below to download the .ics file for all program events and add them to your calendar.
Once downloaded, save the file and follow your calendar application’s guidelines for importing them.
Power Hour Topic | Date/ Time | Recording Link |
Welcome & Charting Your Path Core Values and Mentorship | Thursday, September 12, 2024 11:00-12:00 PM CST | Recording |
Power Hour 2 Building a Strong Foundation – Mindset and Skillset (Flips 1 & 2) | Thursday, September 19, 2024 11:00-12:00 PM CST | Recording |
Power Hour 3 Nurturing Relationships and Gaining Perspective (Flips 3 & 5) | Thursday, September 26, 2024 11:00-12:00 PM CST | Recording |
Power Hour 4 Sharpening Focus and Balancing Priorities (Flips 4 & 6) | Thursday, October 3, 2024 11:00-12:00 PM CST | Recording |
Calls can also be joined using the following call-in information:
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 881 1266 7690
One tap mobile
+12063379723,,88112667690# US (Seattle)
8884754499,,88112667690# US Toll-free
Participant Handouts
- In preparation for the Power Hour ‘Welcome & Charting Your Path- Core Values and Mentorship’ on Thursday, September 12, 2024, please take a moment to download or print the editable PDF and fill out the Core Values Inventory. Remember to bring the completed document with you to the session on Thursday, September 12, 2024
- Download or print the editable PDF of the Launch Program Development Plan to enhance your leadership development journey. This guide is crafted to support you in creating a personalized action plan, fostering reflection, and offering guided conversation prompts to enrich meaningful discussions with your mentor.
Online Learning Platform
During the four weeks of Launch, you’ll be guided through six e-learning modules. Each module focuses on one topic area and are referred to as “Flips” in our online learning platform.
Launch is designed to give you the flexibility to complete these weekly modules at whatever time works for you. Throughout the program, you’ll be provided with real-world stories, tips, and tools for navigating challenges at work.
Note: For best results, plan to at least complete the modules associated with each Power Hour by the Power Hour’s date and time. This will ensure you can fully participate in discussion, networking, and action steps. All of you are counting on each other to do the work necessary to get the most out of this wonderful opportunity!
Program topics covered:
- Flip Your Mindset
- Flip Your Skillset
- Flip Your Relationship
- Flip Your Do-It-All Attitude
- Flip Your Perspective
- Flip Your Focus
Guiding Principles
Engage in the learning platform by:
- Reading your learning modules.
- Watching video content.
- Posting to the discussion board and responding to your peers.
- Using the tools and resources available to aid your learning.
Be ready to share your learnings and experiences with your camera on for the Power Hour sessions.
Listen carefully to others’ thoughts and ideas on the learning platform and during the Power Hour sessions. Challenge yourself to consider if and how their ideas may enhance your own.
Be open to new ideas, concepts, and ways of working.
Have fun!
Time to blast off
Please contact for questions.