
Member Spotlight – Teresa Hernandez, NEW Florida

“I am a founding member of the Florida Region. I have enjoyed every year of involvement.”

Name: Teresa Hernandez

Why did you decide to join NEW?
I was looking for a professional organization to meet others in the CPG business. I have enjoyed the connectivity, the learning events and growing into the roles I have held.

What is your favorite memory of your work with NEW?
My favorite memory was when the Florida Region won ‘Region of the Year.’ All of us worked so diligently as a chapter to excel in all areas. The officers were strong and encouraged us to get involved and work toward a common goal.

How has NEW impacted your personal/professional life?
It has taught me the more you get involved, the more you get out of it. The learning events provided the opportunity to learn from the experts. The organization has helped me to live my best life. I have met so many talented women and men through NEW.

Tell us about a recent personal accomplishment or event in your life?
I heard a speaker and knew this woman would be perfect for one of our NEW events. I proposed having her speak for one of our smaller events. After gaining approval, I met with the speaker to discuss the event, scheduled the restaurant and provided the agenda to NEW. Speaker was at no cost, as she was going to be in Florida for the winter. She was inspirational and connected well with the audience.
It was a great feeling to know I could add value.

After 45 amazing years at Kellogg’s, I have made the decision to retire. Over the years, I have always been honored to call on Publix for Kellogg’s. It was 1981 when I walked into the Publix lobby and was of the first women to call on Publix. So many great memories!

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